Commission / n.10

Her home is on Madrid - Spain
Commission service for Pam. Custom n.10
I was inspired by her yellow hair, so I painted a big Sunflower in her backplate and a sunflower center texture in her eyelids.

Commission / n.09

Her home is on Barcelona - Spain
Hello, she's a custom service of a Neo Blythe inspired in Ireland.
You can see here, Before and After :)

Alison / n.08

* FOR ADOPTION* She's Alison, she's a book lover and I painter a Books in her backpalte. Her eyelids are metalic blue with lines. She have a unike pullrings handpainted with the same theme.

Commission / n.06

Her home is on California - USA
Commission service, custom n.06

Rain / n.05

* ADOPTED * Her new home is on Washington D.C. - USA

Rain, my custom n.05
She and Sunny are created like sisters, and they have mushrooms themed in her backplate and eyelids. Rain have a blue mushrooms painted.

Sunny / n.04

* ADOPTED * Her new home is on Málaga - Spain

Sunny, my custom n.04
She and Rain are created like sisters, and they have mushrooms themed in her backplate and eyelids.
Sunny have a red mushrooms painted.

Martina / n.03

* ADOPTED * Her new home is on New Jersey - USA

Martina, my custom n.03
She represents the Rainbow and she have a Rainbow painted in her lids and backplate.